Things Anyone Can Learn in Software Development

16th February 2023


A career in software development undoubtedly involves learning a great deal of information which can understandably be overwhelming for new or aspiring developers. However, with each year, there are substantial advancements in technology and resources, making the skill more accessible and easier than ever to pick up, so here are a few things I think anyone can learn in software development.

You can build a website on any computer with a text editor and an internet connection.

One of the things I struggled the most with when starting out was the vast amounts of languages, libraries, frameworks, software and more out there and not knowing where to start or what was required to practice coding safely and in the most straightforward environment. Then I learnt you could write and run simple code using the text editor installed on your operating system, Notepad for Windows, and TextEdit for Mac, by saving the code file and opening it through a web browser.

Learn hyper text markup language

HTML is the standard markup language for web pages, controlling the format and structure of the software. It is a simple language with vast amounts of resources and support for new learners making it a perfect introduction to web development. If you want to see an example of HTML, right-click this post and select ‘View page resource’, and you will be presented with the web pages index file written in HTML. With hundreds of new and fancy coding languages released every year, HTML can easily be forgotten, but understanding the basics of HTML will be beneficial to adapting your learning across

Algorithms and pseudocode

Algorithms and Pseudocode are logic-based step-by-step instructions used by developers to draft pieces of logical code disregarding the use of specific languages. An example would be a cooking recipe. As a beginner developer, this is also an excellent method to understand your code before translating it into a language like JavaScript.

These are just a few of the many simple things a beginner or aspiring developer can learn, but picking these three skills up will already grant you a foundation understanding of web development and simplify your further learning!

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